Indonesian - Chinese restaurant


We proudly combine the heritage of Eastern cuisine with modern innovations to bring you unforgettable flavors that will take you on a journey through time and space.

About Us...

The capacity of large and small hall has 52 seats and gardens with an additional 45 seats. The building is air-conditioned, with room for smokers and nonsmokers. There is wireless internet, restaurant has provided parking for 20 vehicles. Allows you to organize celebrations of up to 50 people.

We also do a free home delivery in the area of Novi Sad.

Indonesian-Chinese restaurant Surabaya since 1994. when it was opened, its refined selection of dishes and beautifully landscaped surroundings, has become a recognizable place for those who want to give self an unforgettable pleasure.

For a large number of business people and their accommodation in Novi Sad, Surabaya restaurant has more than habits. Idyllic atmosphere and superb specialties are what fills the end of a busy day.

Traditional Indonesian-Chinese food is prepared according to original recipes and ingredients for the dishes are carefully selected. Essentially make soy spices and curries, and there are hot peppers, garlic and green pepper, especially dried mushrooms, bamboo Indonesian and Indonesian-vinegar vinegar, germs of soybean and sweet corn, and various tasty sauces make this ikebana even richer.

The menu is more than 60 different dishes oriental cuisine and excellent waiters are willing to recommend a specialty that suits the taste of the customer.

Of course with every meal, and selects the best wine.

Certainly years of catering experience Dragan Pavlovic’s owner, have contributed to every guest Surabaya restaurant is superbly served basis, as in all international restaurants.

The best assessment of Surabaya restaurants provide guests book. Compliments has almost all languages of the world. One guest wrote, “This food is made for the gods, and after it I feel easy and pleasant, always laugh even though I have not even tasted alcohol, I will certainly come again. “

The sense of pleasure in the restaurant stops Surabaya time, erases everyday worries and delete geographical distances.


Meal offer...

Indonesian-Chinese cuisine is a delicious and diverse combination of Indonesian and Chinese cuisine, which is deeply rooted in the history and culture of these countries. This extraordinary fusion of dishes brings together spices, textures and flavors that win the hearts of foodies around the world.

Google reviews from our guests

Топ !
tijana terzictijana terzic
04:46 31 Aug 23
Slobodan “Boba”Slobodan “Boba”
06:33 29 Aug 23
Milan NecicMilan Necic
22:16 28 Aug 23
Stevan MoljacStevan Moljac
10:32 20 Aug 23
Anđelija RadovićAnđelija Radović
13:44 05 Oct 22
Увек радо свраћам ! ♥️
martin boskovicmartin boskovic
07:30 18 Sep 21
Најбоља азијска храна у Новом Саду.
Ово је једини прави кинески ресторан у Новом Саду. Све остало је брза храна, ниског квалитета. Ово је озбиљан ресторан, није јефтин, напротив, али ако имате жељу да једете праву кинеску храну, ово је једини избор за вас.
Сећам се када је ресторан отворен. Било је то пре мноооого година :). Сачували су ниво и аутентичност до дана данашњег. Нема таквог ресторана у Новом Саду а ни шире. Квалитет који су тада направили скоро да је непромењен до данас. У једном периоду је била је једно од најпосећенијих места у Новом Саду. Публика је била и остала верна и с разних страна из више градова у Србији а многи странци су гости у Сурабаји. Ниво!